Love The Location – Where’s Your Perfect Place?

They say it’s all about location, location, location. But surely it should be more about your desired lifestyle and happiness? Where you live is the place where you should feel most relaxed, happy, comfortable and secure. So would you choose a property that offers the highest return on your investment? Or would you choose a property that offers you and your family many years of happy memories, regardless of the cost?

City Living

The city is busy, fun, full of people, and close to work. This makes properties very expensive as they are close to all the amenities, colleges and business centers. Of course, many of us would gladly pay the price to eliminate the daily commute. In the city, you may even be able to enjoy life without the cost of owning a car at all. However, many people do drive in and out of the city. This can contribute to high pollution levels that may cause poor health. Most cities have lovely green spaces to enjoy on a warm, sunny day. Is this your perfect place?

On The Edge

Some property developers are providing new homes for sale on the fringes of towns, surrounded by gorgeous countryside. This offers space as well as great views. Life here is much quieter and serene. You may need to get some supplies in to see you through particularly bad weather periods. But the fresh air and opportunities for hiking could more than make up for it. Many creative people prefer this kind of lifestyle as it gives them space and quiet to think. The town and all its amenities are still close enough for everything you might need.

Suburban Sublime

Suburbia has been the place of choice for families since the fifties. Many new estates popped up offering a small plot that was just big enough for a comfortable home and yard. This building trend continues today as couples prefer their children to be raised out of the crowded and polluted cities. Suburban living offers more space and fresher air, but you can still be close enough to commute to work every day. You also have the benefits of close neighbors so friendships can blossom. This makes for a great community spirit.

Rural Wilderness

Of course, if you really want to get away from it all then a plot of land in the middle of nowhere could be perfect for you. There will be no roads, no neighbors, and no polluting factories to worry about out here. You may also have the opportunity to live off-grid and become self-sufficient. Growing your own food and using wind and solar energy can be a great way to live. You may become cut off during severe weather, and you will have to rely on a car to get some supplies. Are these sacrifices small enough to make this lifestyle the one for you?

We’re all different, and we all need different things from a home. Where you live can drastically alter your lifestyle. It might be just the move you’re looking for! Where would you love to live most?

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