Techniques to expand the lifespan of a smartphone

A study conducted by the Consumer Electronics Association has suggested that the average life expectancy of a smartphone worked out at 4.7 years in 2015. However, the average smartphone user across the US will be aiming to replace their device with a newer model when their current gadget reaches 22 months old — according to Kantar WorldPanel research.

Would you like to hold on to your smartphone for longer than these figures suggest? Then follow these tips to help your device remain working like new for months or years to come…

How to extend your smartphone’s battery life

The leading resource for information on batteries, the Battery University, has acknowledged how manufacturers have stated that the lithium-ion battery of a smartphone is designed so that its lifespan lasts for between 300 and 500 charging cycles. To put this into context, a charging cycle occurs every instance that you plug in your phone to charge it once the battery has dropped below 70 per cent.

The Battery University has also carried out research which came to the conclusion that the battery capacity of a smartphone will drop from around 88 to 94 per cent capacity to 73 to 84 per cent after only 250 charging cycles.

You can extend your smartphones battery life though. One tip is to try and keep Li-ion batteries at 50 per cent or more for the majority of the time. Refrain from charging them all the way to 100 per cent though, as fully recharging a battery regularly can shorten its lifespan. Instead, aim for a full zero to 100 per cent recharge of the battery around once a month — this process will recalibrate the battery a little like you get when restarting a computer.

Don’t leave it too long to charge up a smartphone’s battery after it has dropped to zero per cent either. This is because there is the possibility that a battery that has been entirely discharged and then left uncharged for a long period of time can eventually become incapable of ever holding a charge at all again.

To prevent your smartphone’s battery from reaching a zero per cent charge, also look into changing how you use your device. Dimming the brightness of a smartphone’s screen, reducing how long the screen stays lit after receiving an input, switching off both Bluetooth and Wi-Fi, not using the vibrate function and refraining from running apps in the background are all easy ways to boost a device’s battery life.

Woman Wearing Purple Shirt Holding Smartphone White Sitting on Chair

How to prevent dirt and debris from damaging your smartphone

In research carried out by the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, the institute found that 92 per cent of smartphones that they tested were covered in bacteria. E.coli was present in 16 per cent of the devices tested too.

Work to prevent small particles of dust and crumbs from getting into your smartphone’s grooves and joints by investing in phone cases and screen protectors. Furthermore, here’s some essential points on how to clean the gadgets in a safe and effective manner if it becomes too dirty:

  1. Stock up on suitable cleaning supplies — either a cloth or microfibre towel, alcohol or regular dry swabs, water, isopropyl alcohol, distilled water or a special liquid designed for cleaning electronic devices.
  2. Turn your smartphone off before beginning to clean it and don’t switch it back on until the device is entirely dry.
  3. Refrain from pressing too hard on the smartphone’s display if using a cloth, as this can scratch the glass when there’s dirt and debris present.
  4. Ensure to remove all loose debris from your smartphone before using any of the liquids mentioned in the list of cleaning supplies above.
  5. Use just a little bit of any suitable cleaning liquid and try to avoid them getting around the edges of the device, into headphone inputs and under physical buttons by taking special care.
  6. Apply the microfibre towel to your smartphone in a circular motion until the device is entirely dry.

How to avoid the common reasons why smartphones get damaged

If your smartphone has a smashed or cracked screen, you will not be alone. Engadget, for example, has reported that between 50 and 55 per cent of all smartphone repairs will be a result of the screen being damaged. Furthermore, Motorola has conducted its own survey and found that 50 per cent of people globally have experienced a cracked smartphone screen at least once in their lives — while a smaller figure, this statistic still sits at 38 per cent when just focused on the UK.

It will surely benefit you to protect the screen of your smartphone as much as possible to avoid it being damaged then. Due to the display of your phone being the most fragile element of the device — as well as often the most expensive part — you should look to fit a suitable tempered glass screen protector at the earliest possible opportunity. These accessories will protect the screen from cracking or shattering if it is dropped or mishandled, as well as reduce the number of scratches that ruin the display.

Money will be well spent if you purchase a high-quality smartphone case too. These will not only work to protect your gadget’s screen from damage when dropped or mishandled, but also reduce the risk of chips appearing around your device and elements like the camera lens being broken.

Do you believe that covering your smartphone in a case will prevent it from being as eye-catching? You shouldn’t be worried, as there are designs available now that will help make your smartphone one of the most stylish pieces of kit that you have in your possession. Samsung, HTC, Huawei and iPhone cases from Torro Cases are designed in stylish genuine leather, for instance.

Just be sure to look for a case with waterproof capabilities. This is after a stat from Engadget revealed that between 15 and 20 per cent of all smartphone repairs are as a result of liquid immersion or the devices coming into contact with water or any other liquid. With water and other liquids possibly causing damage to a device’s circuitry, hardware components and motherboard, it also makes sense to err on the side of caution and refrain from using your phone while in the bath or when outside in heavy rain showers.

Whether you opt for a case or not, another important word of advice is to never leave your smartphone unattended in places where pets and kids can get a hold of them. Keeping them out of reach will instantly reduce the chance of costly accidents occurring which involve your cherished gadget.

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