5 practical ways to teach kids how to save energy to save money

Too much energy consumption contributes to the global warming that every individual and homes are facing today. Efficient energy utilization will significantly help to fight global warming. We can achieve lasting change when your whole family is getting full involvement in the advocacy. 

The electrical system at home has Wirewound Resistors to reduce and restrict the flow of the current. Nevertheless, consumption will define the costs of electricity usage.

Kids are resilient and have an evolving capacity. Engage children in this advocacy, and they will be toe social actors that will be the catalyst of change. It never impossible that children can learn and practice the principles of saving energy. 

Parents play a significant role in the meaningful participation of children in saving energy to fight the impact of global warming on the most vulnerable populace in this world. 

When parents spend time to engage their children in many ways is teaching high values that they will bring to their adulthood and pass on to their next generation. 

The best thing to bring this influence is the use of the critical message of saving money through saving energy. Moreover, this strategy will be a lifetime change in your kids and potentially influence others.

Wirewound Resistors

Awareness and education 

Kids should understand where does electricity come from. There are websites like physics4kids.com that you can use to explain the topics of power and energy. You may also check some books in the library.

Indeed, taking your kids in a nature walk will also be the best strategy. You can relate energy conservation to environmental conservation and natural catastrophe. Let them know and enjoy the beauty of nature by doing some outdoor activities. Hence, camping could be one of the events so they can disengage themselves from using gadgets and appliances for video games and television sitcoms. 

Detective game

You can be creative in teaching kids how to save energy at home. You can do a detective game. You can give them a task to search for anything at home that consumes electricity even if you are not using it. Give them the responsibility to unplug those gadgets or appliances that are not in use. 

You and your kids can set a goal that if you keep on detecting those energy consuming utilities and able to save some money, you reward them.

Turn-off time

Take a challenge for all of you at home to take some hours every day to turn-off electricity. Take time together to monitor the change of power consumption and how much you save from the cost. 

Design an energy-efficient kids friendly spaces

If you take the chance of renovating their rooms, find a design is energy efficient. The windows will be big enough for fresh air to come in. Set up curtains to block the sun’s rays and control the heat coming inside the room. Never forget to involve your kids in the design, planning, and decision making. Some of this involvement that will make your kids have the sense of ownership is the choice of color, design, and icons.

Conserve together and set rules

Create rules that everyone must agree. Of course, there will be disagreements and argumentations but be prepared to explain and not just impose the rules. Make sure that you, as parents, must follow the rules you are setting:

  1. Shut off the lights you are not using them. Before you leave the room, off the TV, computer, video games and other electrical stuff.
  2. Adjust the thermostat appropriate for the season 
  3. Never leave the refrigerator door open
  4. Use fluorescent bulb to conserve 75% of the energy
  5. Do not use hot water during the laundry
  6. Fix any dripping faucets
  7. Do not take a long bath
  8. Close curtains during hot summer to block the sunlight coming inside the room
  9. Help your parents in putting up plastic sheets on windows
  10. Help your parents in planting trees outside to give shade

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