7 Ways Headhunting is Diversifying the Modern Workplace

Diversity means different things to different people, but its most encompassing definition includes every possible understanding of the word. Diversity in the workplace comes with a host of benefits. Let us take a look at how headhunters are helping workplaces diversify – and how they have improved profits and prospects as a result:

Headhunters Eradicate Unconscious Bias

When a person – let us say, a straight white male – is looking for someone to work with, he will automatically feel drawn to applicants who are also straight white males. This is not a dig at the patriarchy, this unconscious bias is in-built in all humans, and it comes from prehistoric times when ‘people who looked like us’ were more likely to be relatives and friends, while those who looked different could be assumed to be invaders, or interlopers of some kind, of whom suspicion was not only sensible, but it was also necessary.

However, we no longer live in that sort of world, and employers must work hard, firstly, to be aware of unconscious biases, and secondly, to overrule them.

Headhunters have systems in place that automatically screen out personal details that might see unconscious bias removing otherwise good candidates from the list of possibles, so that they can present the company in question with a shortlist of diverse candidates, all of whom would be able to do the job properly.

black and brown office rolling chair

Headhunters Bring in Fresh Ways of Thinking

Similarly, stepping outside the confines of the employers’ handbook can be hard to do, even when it is acknowledged to be necessary by upper management. Putting the hiring decision, even partly, in the hands of a third party, such as a reputable firm or a Headhunter London, is an excellent way to make sure that you are considering all your options.

Headhunters Encourage Open-Mindedness

It has been proven that companies with diverse employee bases and a good gender balance tend to do much better than companies that are unwelcoming to diversity and difference. This is not a small improvement: these businesses see profits and turnover leap up anywhere from fifteen percent to over thirty percent.

Headhunters Frame the Job Spec Well

If you are looking to attract people from different ethnicities, sexualities or genders, or looking to hire people with disabilities, it can be hard to frame a job specification in such a way that these traditionally ‘othered’ people feel not only welcomed but as though they will be useful additions to the team. Headhunters can frame the wording in such a way as to attract the right candidates from diverse pools of talent, ensuring that you meet your diversity quota and gain the best candidate for the job at the same time.

Headhunters Look Outside the Box for Talent

When hunting for the right candidates, headhunters have a much wider pool of potential candidates than the company could hope to access. Headhunters thrive on networking, gathering details of people from far and wide, and they are continually in contact with other recruitment professionals. This means that as soon as your job requirement arises, the best headhunters will be able to think of a shortlist of candidates within a couple of hours.

Headhunters Provide a Buffer Between Status Quo and Ambitious In-comers

When a company has become set in its ways, management can spurn bright ideas for progress and improvement when they come from younger, diverse candidates who might seem slightly alien to those who have enjoyed the status quo in their career for some time. These bright ideas, used as a selling point for the right candidate by the judicious headhunter, can provide an acceptable linkage between the two, allowing the company to introduce fresh blood without puncturing egos that have perhaps become slightly over-inflated and complacent.

Headhunters Understand the Workplace Dynamic Without Being Part of It

Following on from the above point, headhunters can lay out the company’s handbook, expected dress code, and other insignificant but important factors to the candidates in a low-pressure situation: a friendly chat, rather than an important interview. This can give the candidates a good idea of what to expect at the interview, and prepare themselves accordingly, again resulting in a smoother intake and greater chances of success.

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