Australian’s Big Spending

For a relatively small country – at least in terms of population – Australians really know how to spend, especially on travel. Australia is in the top ten of international spenders, spending up large in the United States, China and Germany. It’s not really that surprising though because it’s a large part of Australian culture to travel – whether it be as a family, on a honeymoon or on a token “OE” which is an Overseas Experience. Perhaps in part to Australia’s isolation, Australians are mostly encouraged to travel by their families to see the rest of the world. Unsurprisingly, with the lower costs of flying, the number of trips taken annually by Australians has more than double in the past 10 years.

If you’re curious as to how much Australians are spending on travel and where, check out this great infographic below. The infographic is courtesy of – a great place to sort out a budget, especially for your next trip. The original data for the infographic was compiled from – check it out below and start planning your next adventure.


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