Defeat Addiction and Achieve a Positive Change Through World Travel

Drug addiction is a mental illness that constantly warps the mind, and is responsible for hassling the way a person normally commands their brain for basic needs and wants, mixing up the priorities, leading to increased use of the addicting drug. This mental illness is responsible for causing a considerable amount of damage to your personal health and wellbeing, both physically and emotionally. When there are people around who care about you, their personal health and wellbeing are sometimes affected, too. But there are simple ways to defeat this.

Often times, a lot of determination and willpower is necessary to see the effects of a mental illness and possess the desire to make a positive change in your life. But, just because all of this strength is needed, doesn’t mean the path to a positive change is difficult each and every time.


Substance Abuse Treatment Resources Across the World

There are countless resources for making the positive turn from drug addiction. One of the most entertaining and influential is world travel. World travel warmly invites you to open up to your surroundings, mentally and emotionally. The interesting thing about the world is you can travel for educational benefits, through substance abuse treatment, and fun, through new experiences.

There are many countries offering substance abuse treatment, but if you are considering traveling for treatment, there are some things you ought to know. If you are looking for high-quality, beneficial treatment, you should probably avoid substance abuse treatment options in developing countries as “most developing countries do offer some extent of substance abuse treatment, but it is often limited in nature and lacks the follow-up and support that are crucial in assuring that sobriety is lasting for the patient,” according to Rehab International.

Other than the United States, developed countries, like China and Europe, offer some of the best treatment options and facilities. These countries make traveling and healing simultaneously beneficial. However, achieving a positive change in your mind and body is possible through traveling the world without a treatment option, as well.


Self and World Awareness through Travel

There are countless benefits for traveling the world, and they include self and world awareness. When you have the opportunity to travel, you receive the experience of a lifetime. A sensational perk of world travel for self awareness is finally being able to break out of your shell and open your eyes to your true self. This allows you to discover who you truly are and what you truly want and need out of life.

Learn about new and old cultures, how things are done differently is other parts of the world, and gain insight on culture themes, languages, and more. With a world travel experience, you are able to enjoy life and learn along the way.

As always, when you travel, safety is the primary concern. Figure out where you want to go and learn about the laws, customs, people, and more. The United States Department of State and Bureau of Consular Affairs offers a convenient and up-to-date Travel Alerts and Warnings safelist for people traveling outside of the country. This list will help you decide your next world travel destination!



An Overview of Treatment Around the World – Rehab International – Drug & Alcohol Rehab Guides. (n.d.). Retrieved February 6, 2015, from

Alerts and Warnings. (2015, January 9). Retrieved February 6, 2015, from

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