Having To Write An Article For Work? Advice You Won’t Want To Miss!

If you work in the field of Public Relations, Journalism, or Marketing, it’s likely you will have to write an article at one point in your career. It can be scary if you haven’t written one before. Whether it’s going to go online or in a newsletter, here is some essential advice you won’t want to miss so you write a great article.


Prepare with notes first

One of the first things you should do when you get asked to write an article for work is to make sure you prepare with notes. You need to plan exactly what you want to write. Ensure you have a good idea of exactly what the article is hoping to achieve, and where it will go when it’s finished. As we discussed previously, the more you prepare for the article, the easier it will be to get the outcome you want. You should write a plan for each section of the article so you know what you will be writing. You need to consider the five W’s as well; who, where, what, why, and when.

Check how long it’s meant to be

Another piece of advice you need when writing an article for work is you need to make sure you know how long it’s meant to be. You don’t want to finish writing and find that you have to write another 1000 words. Therefore, make sure you ask your manager how much it’s meant to be before you start writing.


Include the important information at the start

You also need to know that when writing your article for work, you need to make sure you include the important information at the outset. You may only be able to hook people for a few seconds so make sure the paragraph has all the information that you want to get out to the public. You may want to follow the inverted triangle which is a system used by Journalists. It can help you to separate information you want to include so you know what’s most and least important. Make sure you are leaving all irrelevant detail out of your article. It’s easy to start writing extra detail that people won’t want to read about. You need to reread your work and consider whether what you have included is really necessary to include.

Include any statistics

You should also make sure you are including some statistics when you are writing an article for work. You can’t just make a point about the business without having anything to back it up. Therefore, make sure you look online for some stats to prove the point you are making in the article. If you can include any graphs or pie charts in the article, you should do so. It’s another great way to validate your point, and it’s eye-catching for people reading the article.

Make sure you proofread it

Another piece of advice you need when writing an article for work is that you need to make sure you proofread it as you go along. You are bound to be making spelling and grammatical errors that will need to be changed. You may spot sentences that just don’t make sense and will need to be rewritten. You could get a colleague or two to check it so that you can have some feedback on what needs changing. You could also get in touch with companies such as EssayMasters. They specialize in proofreading and editing your work it is up to scratch.


Get some great quotes

An additional piece of advice you need when writing an article for work is you need to get some great quotes. You need to consider who exactly you need to speak to for the article. You should then email or ring them to ask them for a quote regarding the story. You may need to cut it down, so you only have the relevant information in the quote. Remember to get their name clearly as you don’t want to write their name wrong in the article!

Don’t copy anyone else’s work

You should also make sure you are not committing plagiarism when you are writing an article for work. Of course, you will research online for your article, but you need to paraphrase any text so that the other company doesn’t get annoyed. If the article you are writing is going to be used online, you could use hyperlinks. That way, people can click on the link and be sent to the source, where you got the info from. The same goes for pictures; make sure you include the source so you don’t get sued!

Remember to add any call to actions in the conclusion of the article!

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