Mental Health Issues – Do You Know The Signs?

I’m sure that we all know the signs and symptoms of a physical illness. After all, it is very easy to notice pain, swelling, and a change in our temperature. Plus, there are many other physical symptoms that are also very easy to spot. At the end of the day, if you have a physical illness or condition, it is very easy to tell when something is wrong. That’s because we all know how to read our bodies.


But would you be able to know if something was wrong with your mental health? After all, mental symptoms are a lot more difficult to spot compared to physical ones. Not only that, though, but the signs and symptoms of mental health aren’t as widely publicized as physical ailments. So how do you know if you are suffering from depression? Are you bipolar? It may often be tricky to tell, but this blog should be able to help you out. Here are the most common signs of mental illness.


We all get worried and anxious from time to time, that is entirely normal. However, it isn’t normal to be anxious all the time and to get worked up about tiny issues and details that you may face. If you notice that you are constantly anxious, you could be noticing one of the very first signs of mental illness. Especially if this constant anxiety is interfering with your everyday life. Anxiety can manifest itself in a number of ways. Most people notice heart palpitations. Headaches, a shortness of breath, and restlessness are also other common symptoms. In worst case scenarios, you may even suffer from panic attacks. It is important that you see your doctor straight away after a panic attack so that he can help you prevent any further ones.


One of the most common symptoms that many people associate with mental health problems is unhappiness and depression. However, this doesn’t just present itself as a sad mood. There are many other manifestations of this symptom. For instance, losing all interest in a hobby or passion is a result of this depression and unhappiness. Feeling completely drained of any energy is also caused by this symptom. However, one of the main tell-tale signs that you are unhappy or depressed is an increased irritability and generally very downbeat mood. More often than not, this symptom of unhappiness often presents itself alongside one or more of the other symptoms detailed in this list.


Sleep Problems

Another common sign of mental health issues is a problem with sleeping. Many sufferers of mental health conditions often find that they have trouble getting to sleep. Once they do fall asleep, most people find that they rarely have a full night of unbroken sleep. But sleeping too little isn’t the only sign of mental health problems. Some sufferers tend to sleep too much and find it incredibly hard to get out of bed in the morning. Ideally, you need to aim for between seven and nine hours of sleep each night. If you are getting fewer or a lot more than this, you could be exhibiting a symptom of a mental health condition. It is also important to remember that you shouldn’t rely too heavily on substances to get to sleep, such as sleeping pills and alcohol. This is an unhealthy habit; on which you could end up addicted to.


Changes In Your Appetite

Quite a few mental health patients notice a change in their appetite. For those who develop an eating disorder, this change in appetite will be one of their biggest symptoms. This can go one of two ways: the change in the appetite will result in the patient eating too little or too much. Anorexia sufferers will find that they start to eat a lot less food than what they used to. People who suffer from bulimia will find that their appetite may increase by quite a bit. Both of these changes will result in an extreme change in the sufferer’s weight. However, just because you have noticed a change in your appetite, it doesn’t mean that you necessarily have an eating disorder. Some people who suffer from bipolar and depression find that they resort to comfort eating in order to improve their moods. If you notice yourself starting to eat unhealthy foods in this way, you are exhibiting signs of a mental health problem, and you should arrange an appointment with your doctor.


Withdrawn or Quiet

Many people also exhibit withdrawn behavior if they have a mental health condition. They could also become a lot quieter than what they normally are around other people. We can’t be total extroverts all the time, so there is no need to worry if you don’t feel like you are the life and soul of the party all the time. However, if you start to purposefully withdraw from life, then you could have a problem. In fact, this is often a major symptom of depression, bi-polar disorder, and psychotic disorders. If you start to refuse to join social activities, or you notice a friend no longers wants to join in, it is important that you get help as soon as possible before the situation deteriorates.


Substance And Alcohol Abuse

It is perfectly fine to enjoy a glass of wine after a stressful day in the office. However, if you notice that one glass of wine starts to turn into a whole bottle, you may have a problem with drink. Quite a few sufferers of mental health issues turn to alcohol and other substances to help them get over their feelings and emotions. So if you find that you start drinking a lot more than usual for no particular reason, it could be a sign that you are trying to overcome some very intense emotions. Make sure that you stop this dangerous habit as soon as you notice that you are doing it. Otherwise, it may turn into an addiction, which would be extremely dangerous. Your doctor should be able to help you combat alcohol and substance abuse.


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