Shopping Hacks – When Time is Short, Don’t Waste a Minute

Shopping is a girl’s best friend. Nothing beats an afternoon spent browsing through fashion stores, gift shops and home goods retailers. You don’t even have to spend any money if you are broke. Window shopping can be just as enjoyable and it will help you figure out the best places to go when payday comes back around.

When you have all the time in the world, it is easy to find what you want. You can afford to meander around the shops, browsing in a relaxed fashion, without a care in the world. When time is of the essence, however, it is a lot tougher. Unfortunately many of us simply don’t have time to spend the day shopping. Our retail therapy excursions are more of a hit and run exercise, crammed into a lunch hour or weekend slot in between housework and family commitments. So if this sounds like a typical shopping trip, here are a few tips to help you make the most of your time.


Work Out the Best Car Parking

On busy days it can take almost as long to find a parking space than it does to actually go shopping. For this reason is it sensible to plan ahead so you know exactly where the best (and cheapest) car parking is. Shopping malls are rarely a problem because they have acres of free spaces, but town centres are less well served and it helps to visit a website such as (US-based) or (UK-based) so you know where to go on the day.

Have a Plan of Attack

Instead of wandering around aimlessly, plan which shops you want to visit and the most time effective route between them. If you are visiting a large mall, download a map and work out where the stores are. This will save you a lot of time on the day. You could also hit up Coupon Sherpa, and find out if there are any deals or discounts going on at World Market, Pier 1, or Old Navy. That might help you narrow down which shops to go to first.


Take a Shopping List

It might sound obvious, but if you are doing Christmas shopping or you have a lot to buy, unless you write everything down on a list you will almost certainly forget at least one item. Lists are a real time saver. Keep yours on a piece of paper or on your smartphone. You will be glad you did.

Personal Shoppers

Personal shoppers are a godsend when you don’t have time to waste. Airport departure lounges are a great example of when a personal shopper comes in handy. You can tell them exactly what you need and let them take you to the right store in minutes. You will end up with some top gifts and you won’t have to run the risk of missing your flight.


Shop Online

If your time is severely limited and you are unable to head out to the nearest mall, go shopping online instead. You will have to wait for your goods to be delivered, but with next day delivery offered as standard by most retailers, it isn’t so bad. Amazon has even launched one hour delivery.

If you’re more traditional and like to shop on the high street just don’t forget to take your purse with you. It isn’t much fun getting to the checkout only to realise you left your credit card at home.

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