Signs You’re An Incredible Employee

Do you ever wonder how valuable you are to the company you’re working for? Having job security isn’t always a given these days, even if you’re employed and you have been for a while. You want to do your best to make sure you’re an invaluable, indispensable employee that your company will struggle to replace. Want to know if you’re already there, or whether you should try harder? Here are the signs that you’re an incredible employee:

You’re Optimistic About Tasks And Have Fun With Them

When there’s a new task at work or you’re allocated something to do, you’re optimistic. So many people are pessimistic these days! The world, especially the work place, needs more optimistic people. If you can automatically feel positive about tasks allocated to you and even have fun with them, this will shine through. You’ll stand out against others who begrudgingly take on certain tasks. You’ll have to do the task at hand anyway, so you might as well do it with a smile!

You Can Network

Networking is a key skill in just about any business. You should be able to speak to both your colleagues, and employers. You should get along with the team around you and just about anybody that has anything to do with the business. If you become known as a people person and somebody that pretty much everybody likes, you could very well stand to get a promotion.


You’re Self Aware

Being self aware is a must. If you can become self aware, you’ll know where you can improve. You’ll know more about the work environment, and how you fit into that environment. It’ll give you a bigger and better perspective on just about everything to do with your job. Don’t overthink things, but definitely ask yourself questions and figure out how you can improve.

You Actually Want To Be In The Role You’re In

So many people are in jobs that they hate. If you happen to be in a role that you enjoy and you want to be in, you’re one of a small number! If you want to be in your job and you like it, this will shine through too.

You Present Yourself Well

The way we present ourselves can have a lot to do with how we feel going about our day, as well as the way people perceive us. Sure, looks aren’t everything. But making an effort has its benefits. You should have the correct uniform, or some suitable work clothes that match the job you do (or the job you want, dress for that promotion!). Making a little more of an effort as you get ready in the morning can have a big impact. Plus, your work clothes can even keep you safe. You can click here for some more information.

You Always Try To Improve

Staying in a comfort zone never got anybody anywhere. Life starts outside of it. You should never feel too comfortable with where you’re at right now. Always trying to improve is key to being an indispensable, incredible employee. If you take a little extra time at home to expand your knowledge and skills, that’s even better! You don’t need to run yourself into the ground. Reading books and listening to podcasts can help you to become a better employee in no time!


You’re Reliable

Being a reliable employee is crucial too. Showing up to work on time and avoiding sick days will say a lot about you. If you can’t be bothered to show up when you’re supposed to, and you constantly call in sick, you’re not going to become an asset to any company.

You Don’t Get Involved With Office Gossip And Drama

Office gossip and drama is all over the place, but you don’t have to get involved in it. Staying out of it will likely make you stand out for all of the right reasons, and keep you out of trouble.

You Know How To Speak Out

Although you should stay out of the office politics, knowing how to speak out and stand up for what you believe in is important. If something does need to be said, they make sure you say it. Being honest, authentic, and bold can take you places.

So, do these signs tell you that you’re an incredible employee? You should already have an inkling of how you’re perceived at work. If you’re not yet an incredible employee, it’s never too late to turn it all around. Leave your thoughts and advice below!


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