Step-by-Step Approach To Creating a Job Recruitment Website

Web design, like video, does not just happen. It takes a great deal of planning, thoughtful execution of your plan, and excellent design to produce a good website. You should also carefully consider the type of web hosting you will use so that your site will have the most to offer for job hunters and talent scouts.

For someone wanting to start a new job recruitment site, you should keep these things in mind, as well as the specific components you need to include.

Knowing your audience is one of the essential factors in being successful with a job recruitment site. But, like any project you take on, you should always consider the purpose of it first, before proceeding.



The purpose of a job recruitment site is to provide access to essential career information for potential employees, as well as for hiring experts (HR) and employers. It is a type of portal site, which serves as a gateway between talented individuals that companies need and the companies who hire them.


The components of a successful job recruitment site may vary but there are some key elements that should exist in any of them. Some of the most important components that should be present in order to function as a fully-functional job site are job boards, information that both job seeker and employers can use, and an online interview process where talent and hiring committees can meet.



1. Start by seeing up job boards for potential employees. By providing a job board for job seekers, you will bring many more potential job candidates to your site who will increase traffic to your site and create social media interest in what you are doing. This is important in order to get people excited about what you are offering. You will need software engineering that will allow you to create a virtual meeting room where the two can meet and some sort of automated process that allows it to function outside of your presence.

2. Create a dynamic website that is neat and easy to navigate. When employers or job seekers are looking for work, they have limited time to spend, Remember that your site is not the only one that they will visit in the search for a job (or talent) to fit their job opening. Make your site interesting and easy to use.

3. Decide on an online meeting platform that will be consistently reliable. While having an online meeting room is not absolutely essential to a job recruitment website, having this on your page will make you stand out in a crowd. Look into options such as Google Hangout or Skype and see how you could incorporate this into your business model before hiring your own software engineer.


4. Make the job seeking process automated. The most important occurrence that will happen on your site is the aligning of candidates with employers or HR recruiters. You will not be able to manually transact all of these incidents or hire staff to do it. Therefore, you should talk to your IT person and look into ways to automate this process. People could be looking for talent or positions any time of the day or night. You need a system in place that will take care of this, even when you are not around.

5. Write relevant articles related to job recruitment for your site. One of the things you need as a job recruitment business owner is traffic. You need quality, focused traffic from people who want what you have to offer. Writing articles that address topics job recruiters or applicants care about helps drive that quality traffic to your site. Some topics that should be included are things such as: How to Find the Right Job for Your Talents, The Role of the HR Person, and other job-related topics. This will increase your rankings in the search engines as well.

6. Connect to social media. It is critical to tie your job recruitment site with social media. Social media is one of the major ways that employers are able to check out the credentials of their applicants. When designing your job recruitment site, make sure to use web hosting that is friendly to social media. Not all web host companies are created equally. Take a little time to research them and do some side-by-side comparisons so that you will get the one you need.


7. Set up your business, if it is not set up yet. Remember that when you set up a job recruitment site, you are going into business. If you do not already have the essential people in line, such as accountants, IT experts, insurance agents, and financial advisors, you will want to do this before you even consider a website. Remember that a virtual business has all of the same responsibilities of a real-world business involving bookkeeping, due vigilance, and execution of their daily transactions.

Finally, study other job recruitment sites such as and others to see what they are doing that works for them. Determine what types of job boards or links you wish to provide to visitors and consult with your IT specialists to sit down and iron out the day-to-day linguistics of exactly how it will work for your particular site.

Also, have an advertising plan in place. This should include social media posts, classified ads, and even traditional advertising. Discuss what works best with ad executives and brainstorm ways to maximize your ROI.

Check with your web hosting plan to see what they can offer you to provide you with the best type of access to the needed platforms, automation programs, and information that will benefit the most people. With some planning and effort, you will have a winning job recruitment site that will attract job seekers, employers, and HR people. And better than that, you’ll be the talk of the web!

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