Top 15 DIY Pest Control Tips For Your Home: Effective Pest Control Techniques

When it comes to pest control there are several things you can do. For most of us, hiring a local eco friendly pest controllers is usually the best move. It takes all the hassle out of doing it, they know the ins and outs and they have all the proper equipment to get the job done.

However, for some others, they will prefer you do it themselves. It could save money, and you might just take real pride in being able to look after your home all by yourself.

In this article, we are going to give you 15 DIY pest control tips for your home so you can treat your house in the same way a professional would.

1. Check to see where pests could get in

The smallest of pests can find their way into your home. They can get through the smallest cracks in your walls, so your house is not completely bug-proof. To combat this, you can seal up ALL gaps and if you have a deck, go underneath and check for cracks or holes. You should inspect EVERY inch of your home with the main areas you should focus on being:

  • Doors
  • Windows
  • Roof vents
  • Dryer vents
  • House foundations

2. Look at the Foundation/Siding Joint

If you look at the underside of your siding, you can use a mirror for the best results. If you happen to see a small hole or gap, then seal it up with masking tape so no pests can get in.

3. Use mesh to plug any gaps you find

When it comes to this, use a screwdriver and push in a good amount of copper mesh. When doing this, leave around half an inch because you are then going to seal up the gaps with expanding foam sealant.

4. Seal any gaps you find between siding and trim

For this, you can use an acrylic latex sealer. If a spray sealer goes where you do not want it, keep a wet cloth with you and wipe it away.

5. Any doors or windows that have gaps, fill them.

You can seal your doors and windows with adhesive-backed weatherstripping. Before you place it around your doors and windows, properly clean the area first.

6. Look to see if there are any gaps at the dryer vent.

You should look at your dryer vents to make sure the damper is not broken or is stuck open. On top of this, you should ALWAYS check to see if the seal between your wall and vent is still tight.

7. If you have any big soffit gaps, fill them with expanding foam.

When it comes to the soffit gaps, pull nests from them, and then with the openings, fill them with your expanding foam. Once the foam hardens, cut away any excess with a knife.

8. Keep moisture away from wood

Small pests can draw water from wood and are attracted to areas where there is moisture. If you have soil around your house and it is dry, then insects/pests will deem your house to be less attractive.

9. Keep all your pet food stored correctly.

This one is for mice. Keep your pet food stored in preferably a lidden metal trashcan. This is because mice can’t climb up the sides of the slick surface. Plastic containers that are sealed can also work. 

10. Use mousetraps strategically

These are a good way to rid your house of mice. The snap trap might be seen as cruel, but they need to be used. Because mice have bad vision and like to feel their way along your walls, you should place some traps along your walls. Professional pest controllers use chocolate syrup and peanut butter to entice the mice into the traps. If you are cleaning up mouse droppings, spray it with disinfectant because diseases can be passed on to humans.

11. Solutions to spiders

To get rid of spiders in your home you can purchase a dehumidifier so that the levels remain at around 40%. Alternatively, you can buy an automatic insect spray to go around your home. Also, sweep away any cobwebs as soon as they appear. You should notice the population of spiders decreased rapidly. Another old wives’ tale is use onions. Cut them up and put them in a bowl of water and place where spiders are coming in. They will stay away.

12. Get rid of cockroaches

To get the best results you should hire a professional exterminator. Only 5% of cockroaches will survive and then simply repeat a few months later.

13. Eliminate ants

Try and clean up any food/crumbs that are on your floors or pantry. Ants are attracted to sweet scents so try and keep your house as clean as possible. You can get a product called Ant-Rid and this attracts the ants into the product, and they get stuck inside and die. As an alternative, you can put white vinegar as this deters ants too.

14. Use coffee grounds outside

This might seem odd but most of the little critters hate the smell of coffee and will steer away from your house. Place it near where you think they are coming in and they will stop.

15. Put a guard or screen on your chimney.

You can install a guard at the top of your chimney, so it keeps the pests, birds, and rodents out. If you do not have a screen, then pests can bring in additional bugs and pests into your home.


Should I clean before or after pest control?

You shouldn’t do a deep clean of your home around a week before a pest control company comes in. If you do clean, however, it can cause the chemicals to come off quicker than normal and this limits the power of the chemicals used.

How can I do pest control at home by myself?

1. Keep your home as clean and dry as possible.

2. Keep your rubbish bins closed.

3. Fill in gaps around your home.

4. Routinely check behind your fridge, TV, and washing machines


So there are just a few DIY pest control ideas. Most of them work but you may find that a little bit of everything is good and to try several options to get the best results.


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