What’s your skin type and how do you fix it

Everyone’s skin falls roughly into three categories: dry, oily or normal. But if you haven’t had much experience with skin types, how do you identify what type your skin is – and how you treat it accordingly? We’ve asked skincare specialist Pure Beauty for some advice on maintaining a good complexion and avoiding problems with your skin.



What is it?

If you have dry skin, your skin will feel irritable and flaky – either in patches or across your whole face. Your skin may also feel sore or itchy, or tight across your face.

What causes it?

Dry skin is usually caused by a loss or removal of the natural oils in your face, which help you to moisturise the skin. Removal of these oils can be caused by everyday activities, like showering or extreme weather conditions. You could, however, simply be predetermined to skin like this because of genetics or hormone imbalances.

How do I look after dry skin?

On a day-to-day basis, make sure you wash in warm water, not hot, and use a fragrance-free cleanser. Moisturise straight after washing using a moisturiser for dry skin, perhaps with alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs), which remove dry skin and trap moisture.

In terms of makeup, choose liquids and creams, which add an extra level of moisture to your skin. Keep applying lip balm alongside lipstick and skip powder when you can.



What is it?

Oily skin is identifiable by a slight shininess, even after you’ve washed or cleansed your face. This will be especially noticeable on your chin, forehead and nose, where you may suffer breakouts.

If you’re still unsure if your skin is oily, blot your face with a tissue. If an oily residue appears on the tissue, you are prone to oily skin.

What causes it?

As with any skin type, genetics will play a big part – it could well be something that’s got nothing to do with your environment. Your hormones do play a part, as do external conditions, like warm environments which increase oil production.

How do I look after oily skin?

All great skin routines start with an excellent cleanser. Choose one that’s specially-created for oily skin, and that’s gentle on your skin – harsh soaps will increase oil production in your skin.

Exfoliate with a scrub and, if you choose to moisturise, make sure it’s non-comedogenic, so it won’t clog your pores.

When it comes to makeup, make sure you consider your skin when buying your products. Choose mousse or mineral foundation, and avoid heavy liquid foundations that clog your pores. Make sure you choose powdered makeup wherever possible, to absorb the moisture.


Normal skin

What is it?

Normal skin doesn’t mean perfect skin, but it does mean that you aren’t particularly prone to oily skin or breakouts, and you don’t often have dry skin. If you don’t see particular problems with your skin, chances are your skin is normal.

What causes it?

Luck, good genetics and a great skincare routine can all contribute to you having normal skin.

How should I look after normal skin?

Luckily for you, you don’t need to consider using specialist products for your skincare routine.

Choose a good, gentle, all-round cleanser for normal skin and make sure you use it twice a day. Grab a toner with antioxidants and exfoliate once a week to keep the dry skin at bay. Moisturise after you cleanse to keep your skin oils level.

In terms of makeup, you’re free to choose what works best for you. We recommend a foundation with some added sun protection in – and that you remove it before the end of the night!

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