Top 4 Advantages of Scalp Massage to Improve Hair Growth

Did you know that having a daily massage to your hair scalp can promote hair growth? Yes. It is essential to go for a regular massage if you want to achieve healthy hair.

In this post, we’re going to discuss the best and most efficient massage procedure to elevate your hair’s ability to re-grow. Spend ten minutes of daily scalp massage so that you can see better results. So, let’s get started and increase the volume of your hair using a scalp massage technique.

Scalp Massage

Scalp or head massage is a manual procedure that helps stimulate the scalp using hands or individual massage devices. It is widely used for various applications such as stress reduction and total relaxation.

Scalp or head massage is a common practice in the hair-loss community. It offers many advantages that help to promote hair growth.

4 Advantages of Using Scalp Massage

Here are the five advantages of using hair scalp massage and how it can boost your hair quality:

  1. Scalp Massage Improves Hair Growth

Regular scalp massage helps you achieve a hair growth effect. That’s because massage increases blood circulation. Also, it helps to stretch out the hair follicles, causing it to increase the thickness.

  1. Scalp Massage Helps to Stimulate Blood Flow to Your Scalp

Androgenic alopecia or male-pattern baldness is one of the significant causes of hair loss. That’s because of the high presence of DHT hormones, which decreases the blood flow to the hair follicles.

However, we can reverse the negative effect of DHT using scalp massage only because it improves blood flow to your entire head.

  1. Scalp Massage Helps to Reduce Stress and Anxiety

Stress and anxiety can cause hair loss. That’s because you feel extra pressure on your head. There are many ways to fight stress, and one of the best solutions to the standard method is scalp massage.

Scalp massage is proven to be effective against stress. It can reduce mental stress and physical tension of a person.

  1. Scalp Massage is Free

You don’t need to purchase expensive hair growers or attend costly surgical operations. All you need to do is to put your fingers and start circling your scalp. It will improve blood flow to your head, which helps you achieve thicker hair.

Other Hair Loss Treatment

Scalp massage is one of the primary methods for preventing minor hair loss. However, if the hair loss problem is already severe, it’s time for you to use the advanced hair loss treatment:

  • FUT or Follicular Unit Transplantation

FUT is one of the most commonly used hair transplant methods today. Its main goal is to transfer the healthy hair from the back portion of the head to the bald spot area. It includes hair follicles and some strips of tissues.

  • FUE or Follicular Unit Extraction

Another hair surgical treatment wherein each hair follicle must be harvested and planted one by one to the bald spot of the hair. Experts believe that FUE is far the best solution to solve significant hair loss problems.

To know more about the latest technology on different hair loss solutions, check Seager Hair Loss Centre, one of the top leading hair care centers in Canada.