Moving House Hacks You’ll Wish You Thought Of Sooner

Moving home isn’t one of the easiest things in the world to do. It can take time, stress you out, and almost wish you never started. However, there are some moving house hacks you can use to help you make it easier. You’ll wish you thought of these sooner!

Purge As Much Stuff As Possible

Get rid of as much as you possibly can so you can start fresh in your new home. If you want to save money on moving vans and other expenses related to moving your stuff, just throw as much as you can out. Just bear in mind it’s a good idea to keep expensive things you want to avoid buying again. If you’re moving to another state or country, it’s a good idea to purge stuff to avoid moving too much. If you’re moving down the road, then you can probably get away with keeping more stuff. Alternatively, you can look into self storage options to keep things safe while you decide what to do with them.

Create A Schedule

Create a schedule in advance so you know exactly how your move should be going. It’s normal to start preparing for your move a few months in advance, and this will make things much less stressful on the day and in the days leading up to the move.

Take Pictures Of Your Electronics

By taking pictures of the back of your TV and any other electronic equipment you may have, you’ll easily remember how to put it all back together when you arrive at your new location. Don’t rely on memory or the manual, as things can get stressful!

Pack An Emergency/First Night Box

You’re going to need things as soon as you get to your new location. Make sure you pack a first night box for each member of the family, so you have a better time settling in. An emergency box may also be necessary, depending on what kind of issues you think your family could run into along the way.


Wrap Up Your Drawers

Instead of taking apart your drawers and taking everything out, wrap it up in a cling film. Make sure it’s secure enough, and you’ll simply be able to find a place for it and unwrap it in your new place. It’ll shave off so much time and hassle!

Pack Boxes By Room

Never mix up rooms when you pack boxes. Pack them up by room and you’ll be able to unpack way more effectively.

Cut Holes In Your Packing Boxes

Cutting holes in the side of your packing boxes makes them much easier to lift. You don’t want to risk dropping them!

Wrap Breakables In Clothing

Wrapping breakables in clothing, such as dishes and ornaments, kills two birds with one stone. You won’t have to buy extra protective packaging, and you’ll keep your valuables safe.

Use these moving house hacks when you move and you’ll have an easier time. You’ll be able to focus on making memories and settling into your new place, rather than what goes where!

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