Internal and External Timber Cladding Maintenance: A Guide

Saving timber cladding from UV exposure and weather repercussions can increase the shelf life of timber wood cladding up to 40-60 years.

Cladding is one of the most sought-after gamut in the home decor genre. People today are more inclined towards natural aesthetics than ever before. Starting from having indoor plants in their house to cloaking the exterior with timber cladding, people love to bring the essence of nature into their homes.

Timber cladding can last longer if they are properly treated and cared for and can look naturally elegant and stunning for years to come. Preserving wood cladding is crucial to keep it fresh and viable for long.

External wood cladding needs to be taken care of more than the internal cladding. As the former is exposed to unnecessary UV light, heavy rains, humidity, and fungal attacks. But not to worry, you can save your house from all harmful variants with this quick guide.

pile of wood slices

Anti-Mould/Fungal Decay

Before installing the exterior cladding, make sure the wood is treated with anti-mould and fungal treatment. This can prep the timber to withstand any further attack by Moses and fungi. The treatment should be repeated from time to time to maintain its viability.

Scrubbing and Pressure Washing

Brush scrubbing the wood gently can ensure that grime and dust do not accumulate. It is better to ask for a team of professionals (from pressure washing services) to avoid damages from DIY chemical use.

A Fresh Paint

Humidity and heavy rains can oxidize the paint leaving your cladding exposed to harmful variants. It is advised to keep fresh paint handy. Paints and lubricating oils provide moisture which prevents cracks and erosion.

brown wall brick

Fillers for Cracks

Any susceptible damage to the wood can cause damage and decay. If that is the case, scraping off the damaged wood and filling the cracks would be optimal.

A thorough and regular inspection of cladding can help you determine its condition. If it is not looking as fresh as upon installation, probably the time has come to call the professionals for help.

While exterior cladding is more susceptible to environmental damages, interior cladding is not. Internal timber cladding is not exposed to environmental changes, so they stay durable for a long time.

But even so, every beautiful thing is beautiful only because it is maintained properly. Check for cracks and if the paint is wearing off, repaint it or apply protective oils and clean the surface with appropriate products from time to time.

If you’re looking for a smarter and more environmentally friendly way of house design, timber cladding is your best choice.

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