5 Essentials of an Electrical Engineer Resume in 2021

Yes, we know that creating a resume can be a very tricky task. 

What should you include and what should you skip? How can you showcase the best of your professional journey and experiences in your electrical engineering resume to get shortlisted by the company you are aiming to work for?

This blog will be answering all of those questions for you and will guide you through the 5 essentials or must-haves in your electrical engineering resume. 

boy in black hoodie writing on white paper

Appropriate Header

As the name suggests, the header is the top section of your electrical engineering resume and it is the first thing that recruiters check. 

The header in your electrical engineering resume consists of your name, personal details, and your profile title. 

Ideally, your name should be written with the largest font size in your resume. After all, this is the identity of your resume that maintains its uniqueness.

Followed by that, you must write your personal details and the title of your current position. 

Key Skills and Technical Skills

In order to impress the recruiters, you must create a key skills section with a sub-section for technical skills. 

Remember to include keywords from the requirements listed in the job listing because the Application Tracking Software (ATS) scans this section of your electrical engineering resume to check if your resume fits the job description. On the basis of this, your resume can rank high in the system. 

Incorporate skills that are common to the job profile of an electrical engineer. 

Your technical skills must include any specialized knowledge about software or anything technical as the name suggests.

person writing on white paper

Gripping Summary

The summary of your electrical engineering resume presents the highlights of your professional experience and also your achievements. 

It is advisable to write the summary of your resume only after writing the other sections of your resume so that you have a better idea of what to skip and include. 

Do not repeat the same comprehensive details about your experiences or skills because there are other sections in your resume for the same purpose. 

Limit your summary to a few lines and begin by writing the years of experience you have.

STAR Format

The STAR format stands for Situation, Task, Action, and Result. 

Use this format to write your professional experience section in bullet points and one-liners. 

Start with a power verb and go on to describe the situation or background of your role, the task that was assigned to you, the steps you took to complete it, and the outcome of it. 

Using the STAR format ensures that you provide all the necessary details in a way that actually leaves an impact on the recruiters. 

Quantifying Achievements

Don’t provide a vague description of your achievements.

The best way to flaunt your achievements is by presenting them as figures and percentages. 

For instance, using words like some, few, a lot, etc provides a very hazy description of your achievements like in this following sample:

 “Designed tools and electrical equipment that resulted in some increase in efficiency” 

Instead of doing that, practice describing your achievements in numbers for a well-defined approach. For example: 

“Designed tools and electrical equipment that resulted in 40% increase in efficiency” 

Implement these essential points in your electrical engineering resume and get shortlisted by your dream company. 

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