Exams are one of the most stressful times of the year, after all, it’s the final marks that will determine whether you pass the year or not. If you’re anything like me, then you may find yourself with a lot of studying to do in a really short period of time. This can be extremely frustrating and stressful, so I have made this list of ways that you can study more efficiently for your exams and increase your grades!
1. Use Technology to Your Advantage
There are heaps of ways that you can use technology to help you study. Why not find the best online tutoring app that you can for your subjects? There is even a top homework app that you can download and use to help you do your homework. Afterall, homework is a great way to practice the material you have learned in class, much of which will be present in your final exams. You can even use the Internet to reinforce what you’re learning in the classroom or to learn new vocabulary if you’re learning a language. Why not learn English online so that you can boost up your level and ace your English exams.
2. Get a Study Buddy
Working with someone is a great way to stay accountable: it works well for things like exercise, studying for exams, even for maintaining a healthy diet. Having someone to talk to about your struggles, to keep you motivated to show up to each fitness class and to help make it more fun is a wonderful way to help you stay focused. Set up a regular study date time and day of the week so that you can meet up regularly to go over the content. It’s also great if you can find someone in your classes to be your buddy, so if you miss a class and need to borrow notes, you have someone that is happy to help!
3. Start Early
It can be tempting to leave things until the last minute but that can be really stressful and at the end of the day just gives you less time to focus on your studies. If you have the time or can make the time, try studying the course work for the week at the end of every week. That will ensure that you’re figuring out if there’s any gaps in your knowledge while it’s all still fresh. Review your notes at the end of every month and try to summarise as much as possible, so when you do start studying for the end of year exams, it will all be so much easier!
Do you have any exam studying tips? I’d love to hear them in the comments below!